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Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Lessons Learnt During 2020

Straight up... I don't think that 2020 is the worst year of my life... I have a whole new appreciation for the support and love that people have clearly shown me. I have only ever shown people the exact same amount of time and effort afforded to me... People have shown their true colours... And I am even more sure about the fact that I am not always the one who is wrong and I don't always have to believe that I am at fault....

I'm not doubting in anyway, shape or form that people are suffering and are feeling traumatised by the challenges of this year, I would never trivialise the validity or dismiss the depth of pain that someone may feel.....

What I am absolutely saying is that I would not ever encourage bad  behaviour that I would not wish for myself... I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone or encouraging anyone to knowing take unnecessary risks, unless they are absolutely sure of the consequences.... but I also am not going to feel guilty about doing whatever I think is the best for my family......

Regrets are only for those that doubt themselves... And I know for a fact I'd do whatever I had to for my 3 children, grandson and all the future generations that I am yet to meet.... I am under no illusion that I am so blessed that my children think I am worthy enough to be given a 2nd chance to make amends, some people will never be so fortunate... 💔 So I make absolutely no apology for making a big deal about them and blatantly putting them first...