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Symptoms of borderline personality disorder

Friday, 20 August 2021

Overdose Awareness Day

If you can relate to this I am praying for you, As well as your loved ones to finally break threw. If you don’t know the pain of this, Do me a favour and give your kids a hug and a kiss. Take a minute and think about walking in my shoes, Is my child is dead or alive; I don’t have a clue. Is he going to eat the food and gifts I bring to him, Or is he looking at it as a needle that he’s about to win? I better pack a Naloxone kit in a gift bag for my son, In hopes someone finds it before the damage is done. Arriving at his door at the rooming house, I knock on the door, but it’s quiet as a mouse. I hope you never have to worrying about opening your child’s door, In fear on the other side …..they are dead on the floor. To have the courage to see what’s inside, Then to find out he’s down the hall trying to hide. Hide from his mom why would he do such a thing, Cause he knows the heartbreak it will bring. Not only to his mom but also to him, He doesn’t want to be this way, he feels he can’t win. When he tells himself he’s finally had enough, He starts the process, but those withdrawals are really tough! Not to mention the insane thoughts that he has had, Combine that with the withdrawals things get really bad. So the days go by and they turn into weeks, My heart grows weary and often weak. Then the anger and hurt takes over me, And I’m screaming again how can this be. So The next time your driving down the Main Street, Send a prayer for our loved ones that drugs they will beat. Pray for us and our families too, That we have strength for the day to get threw. Please Don’t look at our children like they’re any less, Thank God instead you are not in this mess.

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